Project Description


he contract involved the refurbishment of approximately 700 residential dwellings of mixed tenure accommodation including tenants and leaseholders properties and an attached sheltered housing unit.

A full external refurbishment was undertaken including concrete repair, balcony’s, asphalt and brick work reconstruction. Internally kitchens, bathrooms, internal electrics and lateral mains replacements were completed. Blakeney Leigh minimised future maintenance costs through considering alternative materials and construction methods. For example: the concrete repair used ferro-guard to reduce future repairs, the system has a 10 year guarantee; windows were renewed in PVC minimising future maintenance; and the pitched to flat roof conversion construction methodology selected has a 20 year guarantee.

Blakeney Leigh assisted to secure British Gas eco-funding to undertake additional window and roof renewals and provided Building Surveying and Quantity Surveying services for this aspect of the works. These works have resulted in substantial carbon reduction and tenants energy bills.


Building Surveyor
CDM – Principal Designer
Clerk of Works
Project Manager


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