Project Description
hase 1 of this project required the removal of combustible materials from the external elevation of 6 high rise residential tower blocks located in Redbridge, works followed identification of these elements following the Grenfell fire.
Blakeney Leigh carried out the specification and contract management of the works to remove the cladding and insulation and reinstate with new materials in accordance with the requirements of Approved Document B of the Building regulations.
Blakeney Leigh worked with the partnering contractor to design the replacement cladding and insulation. Our QS team reviewed the contractor’s submission of cost and undertook a value engineering process, removing scaffold and utilising MEWPs and mast climbers to shorten the contract duration and reduce the on-site time and associated preliminaries.
Phase 2 of this project included full internal fire upgrades, including; Compartment fire stopping, enclosure of exposed services, Front Entrance Door Renewal, and Class O coatings.
It was noted in two of the six blocks wall and ceiling coverings contained Asbestos, so prior to the works full scale Asbestos strip was conducted.
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