Project Description


his project is part of the Royal Borough of Greenwich “Greenwich Builds” programme, which
is delivering 750 new homes across the Borough utilising brownfield and back land sites.

Strongbow Road consists of two 2 bedroom 4 persons houses on a small garage site in Eltham.
After achieving planning permission for a contemporary design, the project was constructed
offsite in factory conditions in Liverpool, being delivered in 4 modules to site. This was one
of the first projects delivered in this way and came with a host of complications and lessons
learned for everyone involved.

These properties are for social rent by the Royal Borough of Greenwich and boast Net Zero
Carbon credentials meaning users of the homes will have minimal energy costs from the Solar
PV, ASHP, and MVHR systems utilised for powering and heating the property.


Employers Agent
Cost Consultant QS
Clerk of Works
Design Approver
CDM Advisor


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